This month is the month of birthday's for a lot of my friend's. I BB'd my sister-in-law's
nephew yesterday. I just left a belated birthday message for a friend
apologizing for being a complete ass for forgetting
hers yesterday. Tonight I've been
summonsed to dinner for another bestie. This afternoon I'm honestly not in the mood to do makeup, do hair, suck this in, push that out. My spirit is there simply because we haven't hung out in a minute but my body is screaming "rest". I really want to just chill with my thoughts. I love my girl to pieces so of course I'm going. Plus she hung with me for my birthday a couple of months ago.

I'm also the sentimental gift giver and I can't wait to see her face when she gets her gift. She's such a diva and I know she'll love it! Last year I put together a scrapbook
chronicling our Summer. It didn't come out the way I thought it would but she loved it. And what was suppose to be a huge all girl get-a-way ended up being a
road trip with just the two of us having a ball in Panama City.

So I'm preparing myself mentally, I guess I need to go get ready...Later!
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