Yes he's absolutely gorgeous with that alluring smile, body of a Greek God and DIMPLES! He recently proved to be one of the best athletes in the world by winning a medal in the Men's 100m hurdles at the Olympics. He's not a household name like Kobe Bryant, Reggie Bush, or Lebron James. But thank God I got off work early and had a little interest in what was going on at the Olympics because that night I discovered my new athletic heartthrob David Oliver.Yes, he has oust Dwayne Wade! Hail to "The King"! I like track and field, thought about participating in high school, but I honestly don't follow it like football. So naturally after discovering this athlete I went to my favorite investigating spot...Wikipedia! Your somebody when you have a Wikipedia article....come on. Read an article here, an article there, and then ran across the link for his blog. This blog amazes me because it is SO descriptive. It's like missing your favorite TV show for a few episodes and being able to pick right back up on it. I felt like I was front row center in Beijing. You learn that Paris is his favorite European city, how he prepares for a race, he lives for the Miami Dolphins and fantasy football,

he loves his Blackberry as many BB owners do, and that "you will never hear of D.O. having missed meal cramps". What you also unconsciously learn is that this is an amazing human being! He has a huge love for kids, he appreciates his fans, and his career path is shadowing that of his
mom. I love reading the blog of this fearless man getting to know him more day by day. Now if we could only get our guy to remember to pull the digital camera out. :) Unlike a lot of our black athletes, his career isn't filled with drug charges, DUI's, or baby momma drama. Google him baby! Men(no homo,lol) and women admire him alike. This man of great character(and I'm certain integrity) is who we should encourage our younger generation to look up to. Continue your fab David and God bless♥
You were right! I love this post! LOL. Thank you so very much for the shout out, I am glad that you think so highly of a brother!
OK I'm nosy, I saw your comment on DO's site and had to check it out. lol, forgive my inquisitive nature!! What a nice tribute girl, you really hit the nail on the head! Very similar to the manner in which I found his blog. And you earned a comment from him! *hi-five*
David you are so very welcome just continue your good deed and don't fail us. I mean you beat out D. Wade....that says a whole lot! Lol.
-Carla no worries girl, feel free to visit anytime! Lol. I'm sure you won't be the last nosey ;D
David is great and all but I cannot co-sign on him beating out D. Wade!!!!! :)
LOL! It was a tough decision Bri but I gotta give it to him :)
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