I've read a few blogs and been on several social sites and I am happy to know that I am not alone in my addiction with the Blackberry. Does RIM know the monster they've created?! Without it I feel like a piece of me is missing(i.e.vital organ). I have a friend who always talks about me and me companion. He says he often wonders would I be able to breathe without it because I'm, "always pecking on that keyboard". If you have one you know the feeling. Me and my bestie BB messenger more than we speak words. It comes in handy in the club(lol). I hardly ever talk on the phone, texting is my communication of choice. I've heard Blackberry's have broken happy homes but my man would be guaranteed a text or two,or three on the daily. Maybe even a few naughties.
I am by no means a "baller" as a lot of my friends think since I own one nor do I have a job that would require me to have a phone as such, I just love technology and since my first one(Nextel BB7520) I know no other phone. I currently have the Pearl but am thinking about upgrading to the Curve. I almost crossed over to the dark side considering other smartphones but I'm too sold on the things my phone can do.Through the years the Blackberry has only gotten better for me. Who cares about Windows when you can listen to XM radio(through my bluetooth), BB and Yahoo messenger, remember bdays, check Facebook, never get lost with Google Maps AND use the phone as a modem. Pure bliss. Then you have cute colorful skins, Dooney&Burke makes a wristlet, and you can change the trackball color when you feel like it....aahh. So when the day comes someone starts a Blackberry anonymous. I'll be there front row center.
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