I'm on a true journey to grow longer, healthier hair. When I was about 5 or 6 years old, I had hair down my back. As I got older, momma opted for me to get a perm and a beautician made the mistake of leaving some in. Yep...But even in high school it was chin length sometimes longer when I didn't get in my cut it off phase. I suffer from alopecia and I am so tired of wasting money on the sorry dermatologists in my city that are suppose to be "the bomb"(whatev). They look at my scalp for about 5 sec and "diagnose" what I already know. See, my mom's side of the family suffers from it. My mom, all of her sister's except one, her two brother's, and even my grandmother had it. My brother even has it. I want a more thorough analysis so I've even been researching doctors in Atlanta. In the meantime, I have been Au natural for over a year and have been wearing wigs to give my tresses a rest from heat and styling. So this week I put up the wigs and now I want to try wearing my own hair. It's at an okay length but I am drooling over homegirl here in the picture....So thanks to the downtime at work I have been researching additional supplements that I can use to stimulate blood flow to the scalp and promote growth. I have been using GNC ultra-nourish, Women's Ultra Mega multi-vit, and fish oil for over a year. I take protein after my workout so no problem with deficiency there. I have added flax seed oil, vit E, CoQ10, MSM, and several other supplements. I also use our shampoos and conditioners I find while doing markdowns. Giovanni Tea Tree shampoo and conditioner for .97/each...can't beat it! My fav is anything containing Tea Tree oil because they feel sooooo good on the scalp! I've even gone old school and roll my hair at night because I have a horrible habit of plugging in the curlers in the morning. I found these awesome satin rollers by Hype Hair in Wal-Mart and they work beautifully! I already know my crazy, impatient tail is going to expect results like my inspiration photo in a month or so. I'm going to stick with it because I want my hair length from days of ol'. Sorry India Irie but I AM my hair...
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